$PNIC is Now Available on PancakeSwap

$PNIC is Now Available on PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange native to BNB Chain where users can swap their coins for other coins without the input of middleman services. PancakeSwap focuses on BEP20 tokens – a specific token standard developed by Binance.

You can now trade $PNIC and start earning. Owning $PNIC opens the door to unique rewards and privileges!

The official smart contract address for $PNIC is: 0x76d36D44dC4595E8D2EB3aD745f175EDA134284f

Be wary of imposters and counterfeit offers. Trust only official channels to protect your investment and keep up to date.

For more information: 

PancakeSwap: $PNIC